Chenhui Zhu
Staff Scientist
Scattering, Photon Science Operations
chenhuizhu@lbl.govMailstop: 6R2100510-486-4395 (Office)510-495-2075 (Lab)
Location(s): 006-2246A
Biographical Information
Chenhui Zhu received his B.Sc. from the University of Science and Technology of China and Ph. D in Physics from the University of Colorado in Boulder before he did his postdoctoral research at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago. He is currently a Staff Scientist at the Advanced Light Source in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Research Interests
- X-ray scattering and diffraction, grazing-incidence SAXS/WAXS applications in materials science
- In situ, multimodal sample environment development
- Resonant X-ray scattering (with soft and tender X-rays) for bond orientation studies
- Coherent X-ray scattering (XPCS) studies of fluctuations in materials science
- Synchrotron-based automation for sample manipulation and generation in the context of autonomous experiments for data-driven, accelerated materials discovery
- Liquid Crystals, Metal organic framework (MOF)/COFs, Perovskite solar cell, Biomaterials, Self assembly in nanomaterials, Polymers
Selected professional services:
- Chair of the NSLS-II scattering proposal review panel (PRP), 2023-
- Co-chair for the ALS Complex Materials Interface Thrust, 2020-2023
- Discussion leader/panelist at Gordon Research Conference/Seminar, 2023
- Molecular Foundry (LBNL) User Executive Committee member, 2019-2021
- Host of LAAAMP fellows (Light Sources for Africa, the Americas, Asia, Mid-East and Pacific)
- Host of ALS Doctoral and Postdoctoral fellows
- Proposal Review Panel, Small-angle X-ray scattering, APS, Argonne, 2024-
Selected Publications
Please see my google scholar profile
In Situ Multimodal Sample Environments
- In-situ Spin Coater for Multimodal Grazing Incidence X-ray Scattering Studies, A. H. Coffey, J. Slack, E. Cornell, L. L. Yang, K. Anderson, K. Wang, L. Dou, C. Zhu, Rev. Sci. Instrum., (2023).
Resonant X-ray Scattering/Bond-Molecular Orientation Ordering
- “Probing and Controlling Liquid Crystal Helical Nanofilament”, C. Zhu, et al, Nano Letters 15, 3420 (2015).
- “Resonant Carbon K-Edge Soft X-Ray Scattering from Helical Molecular Reorientation (Twist Bend Nematic Phase)”, C. Zhu, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 147803 (2016).
- “Structure of 3-D Nanoscale-pitch Helical Phases: Blue Phases and Twist Bend Nematic”, M. Salamonczyk, et al., Soft Matter, 13, 6694 (2017) (Cover).
- “Molecular Packing in Double Gyroid Cubic Phases Revealed via Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering“, Y. Cao, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 027801 (2020).
Coherent X-ray Scattering and Imaging
- “Study of Electrode Surface Dynamics Using Coherent Surface X-Ray Scattering“, H. You, et al., Electrochimica Acta, 82, 570 (2012).
- “Ptychographic X-ray Imaging of Surfaces on Crystal Truncation Rod”, C. Zhu, et al., Applied Physics Letters, 106, 101604 (2015).
Liquid Crystals, Molecular Rotors, Nanoparticle Self-assembly, Metal Organic Framework (MOF/COF),
- “Topological Ferroelectric Bistability in a Polarization-Modulated Orthogonal Smectic Liquid Crystal”, C. Zhu, et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 9681 (2012);; “Spontaneous Ferroelectric Order in a Bent-Core Smectic Liquid Crystal of Fluid Orthorhombic Layers”, R. A. Reddy, C. Zhu, et al., Science 332, 72 (2011).
- “Structure of a Monolayer of Molecular Rotors on Aqueous Subphase from Grazing-incidence X-ray Diffraction“, J. Kaleta, et al., PNAS, (2018). DOI: pnas.1712789115
- “Structural Diversity in Binary Superlattices Self-assembled from Polymer-grafted Nanocrystals”, X. Ye, et al, Nature Communications 6, 11052 (2015).
- “Ordered and Oriented MOFs on Plasmonic Silver Nanocrystals”, Y. Zhao, et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 2199 (2015);; “Weaving of Organic Threads into a Crystalline Covalent Organic Framework”, Y. Liu, et al., Science 351, 365 (2016).